Gross production minus any write-offs such as: discounts, insurance write-offs, etc.
New Patients This Month
Patients new to the practice.
Off Plan Revenue for the Month
The total value of treatment plans proposed but not accepted by the patients with a scheduled recall/hygiene appointment for the month.
Off Plan Revenue Today
The value of treatment plans proposed but not accepted by the patients with a scheduled recall/hygiene appointment for the day.
Scheduled Production Today
Gross production based on the value of work from scheduled appointments for the day.
Scheduled Recall Percentage
The percentage of patients who have had a hygiene/recall appointment in the last six (6) months and have scheduled their next hygiene/recall appointment.
The percentage of patients with at least one prior recall appointment but currently overdue or way overdue. These patients are starting to slowly slip through the cracks.
Today’s Patients Due Now
The sum of accounts receivables due from all patients with a scheduled appointment today.
Here are some guidelines to be followed for using the Import Patients:
Do not delete the first row from the files.
Do not rename the column name.
Do not change the format of an cell, it should be in text format.
Update the date format for Date of Birth fields to Long Date to read whole date only for excel file upload.
Do not add a new column.
The Date of Birth format should be followed as "MM-DD-YYYY", for example, "08-25-1889".
The value of Gender or Subscriber Sex should be either "M" or "F". If there is no value to be entered, leave the field empty.
A state field should have a state code as its value; for instance, Alabama(AL) will have the code AL. Leave the field empty if no value needs to be entered.
A country field should have a country code as its value; for instance, United States(US) will have the code US. Leave the field empty if no value needs to be entered.
Make sure the phone number is 10 digits.
Make sure the zip code is 5 digits.
If there is no value to be entered, leave the field empty rather than using the terms "Null", "NULL", "-" or "N/A".